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It is all about connection

Whether you are a teacher of music, math, science, English, history, foreign language, special education, physical education, or any other class, creating a blogging community will greatly increase the learning that happens in your classroom. By sharing ideas with other students from around the world, they will learn more about themselves and each other. 






Social Studies: Imagine blogging with a class that is in the country you are learning about! You could also create a blog written by a historical person, or embed an interactive timeline into your blog for others to see.







Math: Imagine collaborating on a math problem and learning how to communitcate about math! 








Physcial Education: Create a class blog where students post videos that show the correct way to work out, play sports, and eat right. Here is an example: 







Foreign Language: Write a blog in the language you are learning! Here are some other great ideas:









Science: Using science, blog about how you would survive a zombie apocalypse. Here is some great information from teachers who have paved the way:


Ideas and Examples

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