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Blog Portal Setup

Create a site that excites your students to connect!


Create a WIX site with an email address and password you are willing to share with the other teachers. You could also use a different site such as Weebly or Blogger, but I love the look and feel of WIX!





Choose a template that is easy to manipulate into groups. You could create groups based on science problems, different countries they are studying, whatever works with your subject and goal. Here we created groups accordning to interest.


For each group, make a link to a new page. On that page create groups with a few kids from every school. We color coded every student to the teacher to help with organization. The two students next to each other are year-long blogging buddies. The groups we put them in are blogging communities. They may read a book together, share notes, or work on a project together. 


Each teacher can link to their own page for information about their students with videos, interviews, and polls! Click the link above for more ideas! 


Let each teacher fill in the buttons for their students. An easy way we figured out is to create a Google Form. The students fill this in, and Google collects the data when you click on "Automatically Collect respondent's username."



Copy and paste from the Google Sheet each address into a button and title the button with the student's first name and last initial. 

Using Blog forms is an easy way to have the students turn in their Blogs and their comments. Google Sheets collects the data for you and you can click on the link to go directly to the student work. You are not wasting time checking Blogs that are not finished or looking for comments! 

This is very important. When students copy and paste their link, it must be in View Mode.



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