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Justifying a decision or course of action; judging or deciding according to a set of criteria

(checking, hypothesizing, critiquing, experimenting, judging, appraising, comparing, concluding, criticizing, defending, supporting, relating)

Share Ideas & Interact



Easy to use blogging through Google.



"Safe and Simple Blogs for Your Students

Over 4 million K-12 students have a voice at Kidblog. We're trusted by teachers around the world."



"Edublogs lets you easily create & manage student & teacher blogs, quickly customize designs and include videos, photos & podcasts."


Google Evaluate

Get to know your audience by letting them decide which questions, suggestions or ideas interest them most.


Class Blogmeister

"Class Blogmeister is one of several blogging engines that have been developed specifically for classroom use."




Debate Online

"Create an 'argument map'. Argue by mapping out complex debates in a simple visual format. Embed your argument maps into any other website."

Fun Ways to Collaborate


Zoho Docs

"Store files online and share them securely with anyone, within an organization or among personal members and groups."



"Put your stuff in Dropbox and get to it from your computers, phones, or tablets. Edit docs, automatically add photos, and show off videos from anywhere."



"Writing workspaces you'll love. Formative assessment you'll use."



Put slideshows and videos and share them in class. There is a place to comment and dialogue about the presentation.



"Continuous meeting rooms for real-time & anytime visual collaboration."



Video calls and chatting for free.


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